Ultra-Compact Zip-Up Travel Hoodie

6 votes

Concept: Very lightweight hoodie with zipper, specifically designed for fair weather travel. Made to provide an extra layer on top of t-shirts, henleys, and button-ups, but remains ultra-compact to take up minimal packing space.

My fav travel hoodie from another company is no longer available. Pretty sure this one is in the 160gsm range. They've replaced with a 250gsm model, similar to the W&P hoodies which are 235gsm. I've been looking for a similar one in another color but haven't found one yet.

To be clear, the ultra compact hoodie is not to designed for winter or colder weather travel. However, I find it to be a VERY common travel scenario that I just need an extra long sleeve "t-shirt like" layer for those cool mornings or evenings during Spring, Summer, and Fall. Zip-up hoodies are a versatile and fashionable style for a 2nd layer.

Preferable colors are Black, Light Grey, and Navy.

Under consideration New Style Suggested by: Greg Arnold Upvoted: 15 Apr Comments: 2

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